Eulogy: Live & Raw (Self Released) [Matt Bladen] Musipedia of Metal 6th March 2022
Live & Raw is a three track EP from South Wales heavy rockers Eulogy recorded featuring two new songs Fading Sun and Breathe along with a reworked version of Back To Life. Now this is a pretty apt album title as these tracks were recorded in a live setting in front of a crowd so the trio of tracks feel like a shirt gig completed with between song banter, giving you a feel for what Eulogy do on stage. Now a heavy rocking four piece they bring a radio friendly style of heavy rock with some great vocals that are heard very clearly even on top of the slightly muddied instrumentation.
So Fading Sun gets us going with a Metallica-like riff, Breathe brings a touch the American metal scene as it slows things down, finally Back To Life closes the EP with a song that they have played numerous times live but here it does sound a bit more powerful than before. Live & Raw is an EP that keeps Eulogy's music out there before the release of their new album. Live & Raw is a meaty morsel that will keep hunger at bay. 6/10

Eulogy: Memento Mori (Self Released) [Paul Hutchings] Musipedia of Metal
At last, the new EP from South Wales hard rockers Eulogy has arrived and it’s worth the wait. One of the hardest working bands on the scene, favourites at many of the classic rock haunts, Eulogy’s style crossed boundaries, enjoyed by those whose tastes may favour the heavier side of things whilst those who love the band’s crisp, solidly performed original compositions revel in their approach. The more eagle eyed (eared?) will notice that two of the four tracks included on this EP have been around in single format previously, but they have been re-tracked with Mike Williams adding some welcome more depth on the guitars. The EP’s title Memento Mori (Death Is Inevitable) describes the theme that runs through the four tracks, some with personal relevance to members of the band.
Opening track Cross To Bare, a song about losing someone close and dealing with loss is a powerful opener, driven hard by the thumping drums of Darran Goodwin, Neil Thomas’ superb vocals as always impressing whilst Williams’ playing includes a blistering lead break. You’ll Die Alone drips with melody, Thomas adding a melancholic edge to a track which focuses on the consequences of treating someone badly. Whilst the subject matter is dark, the song allows Eulogy to demonstrate their lighter side musically, but with a underlying steel which runs throughout the track.
Corvid changes tempo completely, a snarling, nasty edged fist pumper of a song, dealing with the moment before death when your soul is taken. The menacing feel matches the subject matter perfectly, Thomas adjusting his vocals to a lower level, sinister and malevolent. The middle section drifts into Maiden territory (no criticism at all mind), a brief interlude before the song gallops away. Once more, the melody is sublime, whilst the playing is outstanding, the rhythm section knitted tightly allowing Williams to fluidly open the fretwork. The final track is probably the most well-known song of the band, a song of hope, Blood Red Skies always goes down a storm live. Williams revisions to the guitar parts have provided a more muscular feel to the song, and it feels fresh and vibrant with this rewire. This is a welcome EP, nicely produced and a timely reminder of their quality. Still looking for a guitarist, this release should help with their search. 8/10

Memories are strange things. Sometimes they are vague and fleeting yet on other occasions they evoke strong images and emotions. Trying to concentrate on something spectral and bring it back to life can be elusive.
Eulogy are a three piece hard rock band from Cardiff and deliver a powerful classic sound with a modern twist. Memento Mori is a four track EP that has whispers of the past and it took me a few moments to place it.
Neil Thomas on twin vocal and bass duties has a familiar resonance that reminds me of Ronnie James Dio though he reins it in with subtle ease. Mike Williams slings his axe with machine precision executing some nice solos whilst percussion master Darran Goodwin lays a pounding from hell.
Memento Mori is a solid introduction for Eulogy who have recently signed to One Eyed Toad Records. Closing track Blood Red Skies is my highlight but you know these guys have a message to deliver and they’re coming your way soon. Be ready.

Eulogy is establishing itself as a standard bearer for 80s rock energy. With Neil Thomas on bass and vocals, Mike Williams on guitars, and Darran Goodwin on drums, Memento Mori has a consistently hard driving sound and is a bit more contentious than the their earlier Back to Life (2017) three-song EP. There are no acoustic tracks on the new one, just guitar, bass, drums, and the soaring voice of Thomas to make the music peal.
I had the shuffle play on when I listened to the set so “Cross to Bare” opens Memento Mori for me with a fuzzy growl. The vocalizations put me a bit in mind of Saxon back in the day – melodic and heavy at the same time. “Blood Red Skies” kicks in with a trickier percussion beat and creative finger flashes from the guitar between verses. The second pair of songs are darker in tone with “You’ll Die Alone” being about what it sounds like it would be about (with a mournful lead break, too), and “Corvid” picking up the pace on the front end and closing strong. The music seems to be telling us that even under bleak circumstances we don’t have to curl up an die. And this is just the kind of rock and roll to get you up and going. The songs made me a little nostalgic, putting me in mind of some of my favorite music I hadn’t heard in a while, but you don’t have to be long in the tooth to get into Eulogy. Without any frame of reference, it is a great listen.

Rock music raider EP Review: February 25 at 7:51 PM ·
Okay, it’s time again to reach into the depths of our review pipe and pull one of those records out at random.
And the winner is – Eulogy with their newest EP that just released late February of 2020.
The piece talks about Memento Mori, this terrible reminder of the inevitability of death. A solemn and serious theme, and a pretty difficult one to pick for a 17-minute blurb. This is indeed a subject that seriously occupied the creative brains of a multitude of philosophers, writers, and musicians over time. And even on this blog it already made an appearance once before.
The EP comes along in a robe of a slightly sludgy and doomish mix of Hard Rock and early Heavy Metal. Which truly is as befits the theme. The record gorges with a lot of downturned hints to early Black Sabbath, Metallica of the ’90s and Iron Maiden. Yet, without the trademark whine or soaring and overly aggressive vocals that those three are famous for.
In other words, Memento Mori won’t get you something that you may not have heard before in some way or form. But Eulogy mixed all these influences into an amalgam that the RMR deck crew devoured with some gusto. A serving of some geekily traditional blazing hot and metallic piece of rock. Of a kind that we haven’t often heard of anymore these days.

Independent Music Showcase March 1 at 6:46 PM REVIEW
Eulogy - 'Memento Mori'
Ah Wales, and in this case Cardiff, the land that keeps on giving. ‘Memento Mori’ is the new EP by Eulogy and what a release it i...s. Imagine if you will that say, No Sweat, Queensryche, and Judas Priest were put in a piping bag. What comes out is Eulogy. With a nod to the old school this is nothing short of phenomenal. ‘Cross To Bear’ has the most excellent riff, a stunning vocal and the guitar solo is excellent. Everything goes up a notch on ‘You’ll Die Alone.’ Vocally the track reaches new heights and the song runs with a great guitar line. There is emotion in the song and just the right mix of hook and melody. ‘Corvid’ the single is outstanding and the runaway favourite has to be ‘Blood Red Skies.’ Is it a standout in the genre? Perhaps not but it is outstanding music played by outstanding musicians. Well written, well produced and tight as. Out now on One Eyed Toad Records who should be justifiably proud. Only thing wrong? It’s not an album. Crack on chaps. We are waiting.

"Eulogy are maturing like a fine wine. Bolstered by the recent arrival of second guitarist Darren Harris they launched into a thunderously heavy set which was absorbing. Highlights of the set crammed with goodies including Back to Life and the fabulous Blood Red Skies. Always great value and should not be missed if they are in your area. " Paul Hutchings
"Eulogy kicked things off and this three-piece outfit started strong and kept the energy high. Musically strong with a fabulous vocal range - the energy was infectious and I can't commend their performance highly enough!" Steve Haines
"A band that are always so tight live they have a number of go-to songs now that are full of great riffs from Mike Williams that immediately draw attention, with Neil Thomas bringing the bass grooves and some of the best vocals on the South wales circuit. Tracks such as You'll Die Alone, Cross To Bear and the brilliant Blood Red Skies. You really need to see Eulogy if you haven't as every time they impress!" Musipedia of Metal